A Palesztínával kapcsolatos nyilatkozatokra hivatkoznak.
Péter Szijjártó stands by supporting industrial relations with Beijing
In response to dramatic figures
The goal is cooperation, but "de-risking" could even be accelerated
Massive Greek state aid cleared in protected marine area
Article 7 procedure on the table again
Citing Hungary as a cautionary tale - just as several sources said blocked funds were close to being released
Heads of State and Government can decide at the EU summit at the end of the year
Waiting for Budapest's response, but are expected to make a positive decision
Waiting for completion of merger control procedure
Budapest could pay a serious price for inactivity
Beijing could use Eastern Opening for a devious ploy
There is a new front opening in the raw materials war
No EU money should be expected this year
The subsidy probe does not yet cover the new Hungarian industrial segment
Institutional reform could significantly narrow Hungary's room for manoeuvre within the EU
Unilateral moves by Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia could have serious repercussions
Hungarian industry's new breakout point could be collateral damage in EU internal market defence
Because of unilateral measures by Hungary, Poland and Slovakia
Commission chief makes key remark for Hungarian economy in State of the Union address