Label: "european commission"

August 24, 2023 09:15

Commission to launch second probe into CATL plant in Hungary

Compliance with water and state aid rules will be investigated

Matrai Eromu lignit leallitas
August 23, 2023 17:00

Closure of Hungary's Mátra power plant could be delayed, putting EU funds at risk

In 2022, gov't promised EU to pull the plug by end-2025

repowereu, rrf, next generation EU, eu, helyreállítási alap
August 16, 2023 17:31

EU nods on Hungarian state aid for new battery plants

Cabinet may theoretically support other green transition areas too

európai unió, európai bizottság, eu, brüsszel
August 01, 2023 16:30

EU funds for Hungary fall victim to government's political rhetoric

EU officials see Hungary risking certain transfers

Johannes Hahn Europai Bizottssag koltsegvetesi biztos
July 19, 2023 12:53

EU Budget Commissioner sends Hungary a stern warning over foundation-run universities

Agreement should be reached quickly, otherwise they will miss out on opportunities already from September

Hárompontos javaslatcsomaggal álltak elő az innovatív gyógyszergyártók
July 18, 2023 09:57

European Commission proposes specific provisions to tackle severe medicine shortages

They aim to ensure security of supply for antibiotics

gyári munkás dolgozó worker fizetés
July 17, 2023 10:35

European Union running low on workers

Severe labour shortages continue

July 13, 2023 08:48

Students from 21 Hungarian universities are very likely to bid farewell to Erasmus

There is no sign that the Hungarian legislature wants to solve the problem

Didier Reynders jogallamisagi jelentes
July 12, 2023 10:22

EU Commissioner pledges to take action against "those who do not follow rule of law recommendations"

Didier Reynders addressed the European Parliament

July 06, 2023 12:35

Hungarian gov't decides on major budget reallocations

PM's chief of staff promises to keep family allowances intact

szankció, uniós jog, európai ügyészség, európai unió bírósága, eub
July 05, 2023 15:20

Hungary heavily criticised by European Commission in new report

EU executive wants several measures from gov't in rule of law procedure

dana spinant
June 30, 2023 15:03

EU responds to Orbán's speculation that Brussels has used up Hungary's funds

The money is there, safe and sound

June 29, 2023 12:42

Hungary Integrity Authority publishes annual report for 2022

Analysis on over 200 pages

June 27, 2023 08:58

EU to invest EUR 832 mn in defence industrial projects

Over 40 defence research and development projects supported

June 22, 2023 17:55

EU invests EUR 6.2 bn in transport infrastructure

World's second-longest railway tunnel to be financed from this budget

June 21, 2023 16:37

EU approves EUR 1.1 billion Hungarian scheme

To support electricity storage facilities

June 21, 2023 09:23

EU to provide EUR 50 billion aid to Ukraine

Over the next four years

peter stano
June 20, 2023 09:30

European Commission calls Hungary to report on war intervention

They want an explanation on the Ukrainian prisoners of war

June 19, 2023 14:49

EU starts building wall against Chinese investors

Plans to be unveiled on Tuesday

gorog magyar blokkolas
June 08, 2023 14:52

Hungary and Greece continue to block EU's 11th sanctions package against Russia

They'll give it another go next Wednesday, but process could drag out until end-July